20 comedic Alexa requests

20 comedic Alexa requests to lighten the mood:

  1. “Alexa, can you make me a sandwich?”
  2. “Alexa, tell me a joke about the cloud.”
  3. “Alexa, why did the chicken cross the road?”
  4. “Alexa, can you rap?”
  5. “Alexa, beatbox for me.”
  6. “Alexa, what’s your favorite movie?”
  7. “Alexa, do you know the muffin man?”
  8. “Alexa, what’s your superhero name?”
  9. “Alexa, can you burp?”
  10. “Alexa, how do you say ‘I love you’ in whale?”
  11. “Alexa, are you Skynet?”
  12. “Alexa, can you speak like Yoda?”
  13. “Alexa, do you have a boyfriend?”
  14. “Alexa, sing ‘Happy Birthday’.”
  15. “Alexa, make me laugh.”
  16. “Alexa, can you do an impression of Darth Vader?”
  17. “Alexa, what’s the meaning of life?”
  18. “Alexa, can you tell me a tongue twister?”
  19. “Alexa, who let the dogs out?”
  20. “Alexa, do you know any dad jokes?”