20 comedic Alexa requests
20 comedic Alexa requests to lighten the mood:
- “Alexa, can you make me a sandwich?”
- “Alexa, tell me a joke about the cloud.”
- “Alexa, why did the chicken cross the road?”
- “Alexa, can you rap?”
- “Alexa, beatbox for me.”
- “Alexa, what’s your favorite movie?”
- “Alexa, do you know the muffin man?”
- “Alexa, what’s your superhero name?”
- “Alexa, can you burp?”
- “Alexa, how do you say ‘I love you’ in whale?”
- “Alexa, are you Skynet?”
- “Alexa, can you speak like Yoda?”
- “Alexa, do you have a boyfriend?”
- “Alexa, sing ‘Happy Birthday’.”
- “Alexa, make me laugh.”
- “Alexa, can you do an impression of Darth Vader?”
- “Alexa, what’s the meaning of life?”
- “Alexa, can you tell me a tongue twister?”
- “Alexa, who let the dogs out?”
- “Alexa, do you know any dad jokes?”